Monday, August 17, 2009

Gene Simmons. Your son should marry me.

2 days.
2 days.
No, LESS than 2 days. A day till I go to Springfield.
Wooooaaaah. Surreal. I haven't been there in over a year.
After I got home from camp, I think my mother saw how upset I was and said I could go see Kelly for my birthday. So, I will be spending my 17th birthday in Virginia.
My past two birthdays basically sucked. 15th birthday: started high school on my birthday. In a new school. In a new city. Actually in a completely new state. 16th birthday: started school AGAIN on my birthday. This year. No ma'am. It will be a great birthday. I'll make sure it's good.

I'm watching Gene Simmons' Family Jewel's. I should be asleep. Or at least reading the Scarlett Letter. Oh, Nathaniel Hawthorne. How I hate you. Ok, honestly it's not a bad book. I should be directing my hate towards my AP English teacher. It's SUMMER, woman! Come onnn.

Gene Simmons' son is an attractive one.

ok, goodnight.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Little Putney on the hillside.

Current mood: Iggy Pop-afied.
I think that explains a lot. Listen to the Stooges "No Fun." It's teenage angst wrapped into one song.

"No fun my babe no fun
No fun my babe no fun
No fun to hang around
Feeling that same old way
No fun to hang around
Freaked out for another day
No fun my babe no fun
No fun my babe no fun
No fun to be around
Walking by myself
No fun to be alone
In love with nobody else
Well maybe go out maybe stay home
Maybe call mom on the telephone
Well come on, well come on, well come on"

You know what I mean. It's like, describing lonely, Perpetual Boredom.

that's why I have this blog. ha.
So. I just got home from camp about a week ago. I feel like I've been home for months. I got back into the swing of things very quickly. Not that I, in any way wanted to. I'd rather be at Putney any day. When you're there you feel very separated from the outside world. You kind of create your own community of friendly, crazy, art kids. Oh yes, Putney Summer Programs. It's magical, really.
When you're first there, everything is so new and your basically forced to be friendly to each other and make friends. And you make these friends quickly and very intensely. You see these people everyday all day and when you leave there's just a huge void. "Where did all my friends go?" Before I got to Putney, I was certain that I could not stand teenagers. Except for the wonderful few, I thought I didn't like people any more. My best friend, KELLY ANN lives faar, far away from me at the moment. She is basically the only person I can talk to about everything. Before camp, I was kind of disillusioned with people. But I realized while being there that there are amazing, intelligent kids in the world, who are exactly like me and feel the same way as I do on a number of issues. We just make up a small part of the population, that's all.
I feel hopeful. Like I'll make good friends this year. It's a NEW YEAR. "I should be happy right? Well I can't get happy." Oh John Hughes. You'll be missed.